Christmas Tongue Twisters
Seven Santas sang silly songs.
Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel.
Santa's sleigh slides on slick snow.
Bobby brings bright bells.
How many deer would a reindeer reign if a reindeer could reign deer?
Running reindeer romp 'round red wreaths.
Kris Kringle chose to climb the chimney at Christmas.
Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.
Two trains travel together to Toyland.
Eleven elves licked eleven little licorice lollipops.
Santa's sack sags slightly.
Ten tiny tin trains toot ten times.
Santa stuffs Stephie's striped stocking.
There's chimney soot on Santa's suit.
Comet cuddles cute Christmas kittens carefully.
Kris Kringle clapped crisply.
Santa sang seven songs.
Santas Sleigh Glides In The Sky.
Eight elves elegantly ate everything.
Santa Clause's cloak closes tightly..
Sammy saw Santa on the snow slide.
Paul's presents present particular problems placed parallel to pink poinsettias.
Hollie hangs holly here hoping happy holidays hurry.
Tree trimmers try to trim trees while Tracy tastes treats.
Wrapping warped wreaths risks ruining weather wilted wood.
Youthful yeoman yodel yule yarns while yachting.
Santa seems seriously sick since Sally served sour salmon soup.
Sitting there Slightly Stuffed Santa Sleeps Silently.
Silly smelly Sam snowman slips & slides like soap down slopes .
Santa's seven sleighs slid sideways
Rudolph runs rings 'round Rover
silly smelly snowman slips and slides
Eleven elaborate elves hid Ellie elephant
Santa sat slowly on a soft chair with his sack on his back.
Silly snowmen slide with slick scarfs down the slow slope.
Rudolph roars with red anger and a red as rose nose.
Winter whacks whistles wind.
Snowballs simply slowly hit the slick ground unless they hit you sorrowfully.
Slippery snowmen slide off the snowy skis.