ESL Conversation Film - Hey Deer!
ESL Conversation Film Hey Deer! Short Animated Film about an adorable, cocoa-drinking deer who is eager to tidy and shoveling in front of...
ESL Conversation - A mother's love
ESL Conversation Film Grace is invited to a Christmas party and she needs to bring her mother. She hesitates, but why? Watch to find out....
ESL Conversation Film - The Greatest Gift Short
ESL Conversation Film A Christmas musical created in stop frame animation featuring vocals by James Corden. It tells the story of Dave, a...
ESL Listening - Christian the Lion
ESL Listening Comprehension This is a video about the reunion of Christian the Lion and his former owners. This is one of the success...
ESL Conversation Film - Nutty Christmas
ESL Conversation Film An outcast walnut named Walter who has to fight against the vicious Nutcracker to save his world. CGI 3D Animated...
ESL Listening - A Father’s amazing love
ESL Listening Comprehension A son asked his father, "Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?" The father who despite having a...
Christmas Idioms, Phrases, and Sayings
Christmas is coming! Enjoy a few of the most popular Christmas idioms and other holiday-related phrases and sayings. For students or...
ESL Conversation Film - Dustin
ESL Conversation Film “Dustin” is an animated comedy about a pug who, much to his chagrin, has to arrange with an automatic cleaning...
ESL Listening - Free Hugs Campaign
ESL Listening Comprehension In the age of social networking, most people in world lack basic human touch with others. Sometimes, the...
Word, Idiom, Phrase of the Week
Word of the Week drawing noun 1. the act of one that draws; specif., the art of representing something by lines made on a surface with a...